Prayer and Community are the two mainstays of our life as Poor Clares. They are the two pillars upon which everything else rests; without one or the other, the whole structure would fall. Therefore, to speak of prayer it is necessary to understand that our life of prayer is possible because we live in community with others who challenge and support us. Together we are able to live a life of prayer.

How do we pray? The Eucharistic Liturgy and its extension, the Liturgy of the Hours are basic vocal prayers that form our daily schedule. Feeding this structure are the periods set aside for contemplative prayer and spiritual reading, i.e., the reading of Sacred Scripture and other devotional books, and study.

Still, this isn’t the whole picture. What we do all day, whether it is work to help support ourselves, the upkeep of the house and the garden and common life, or the times of prayer, it is all prayer. Each action of our lives, when it is done for the glory of God, is part of our life of prayer.



There is a distinctively Franciscan way of praying. It centers strongly on Christ, and on the world. Where some ways of praying ask the one praying to close their eyes to concentrate on the things of God, Francis and Clare opened their eyes wide to gaze on God and on his world. They prayed, as they lived, passionately, holding back nothing of themselves.

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O Glorious Saint Clare! God has given you the power of working miracles continually, and the favor of answering the prayers of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress. We beseech you, obtain from Jesus through Mary His Blessed Mother, what we beg of you so fervently and hopefully, (mention your petition) if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and for the good of our souls. Amen.

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Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

We welcome your petitions for our prayers to ask God to hear you; to help you; to thank Him; to worship Him.

Daily we pray for the petitions of our friends to be answered as God wishes and as He knows best.

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